Seguramente hubieran preferido otras condiciones para presentar su colección para el verano 2020, concebida como homenaje a Italia. Nos sirve como inspiración y estímulo para pensar en algo diferente al Covid-19, disfrutando de sus interesantes combinaciones de tejidos, colores y texturas... Ojalá podamos salir pronto del encierro para poder volver a disfrutar plenamente de nuestra afición.

Toda la muestra en el siguiente enlace:

Drake's has always enjoyed a strong connection to Italy. It was one of the first countries to take strongly to our handmade ties more than four decades ago, and today it is the place we rely upon to produce our exquisite tailoring, as well as much of our knitwear, outerwear and casual pieces. It is a source of inspiration, a cherished holiday destination, and home to many of our closest friends.

Unable to visit our beloved Italy at this difficult time, we shot our High Summer lookbook here in London, as an ode to all things Italian. It's a small but sincere nod of solidarity to the people, cuisine, and inimitable style of a vibrant and resilient nation.